Outpatient Binge Eating Treatment at Woodleaf Eating Disorder Center

Woodleaf has been treating binge eating disorder since 2007, long before it was  acknowledged as a DSM mental health diagnosis. We knew then how real and painful BED can be. With 17+ years of experience and commitment to this population we bring a great deal knowledge far surpassing other programs.

What Sets us Apart- Our Binge Eating Treatment

*Our program is adult only (no teens) and is often fully covered by insurance. We offer a flexible schedule for professionals and students so they can heal while living their lives.

*Our program is intentionally small, so binge eaters do not get “lost in a crowd”  and receive individualized care. This sets us apart from other larger, more corporate centers.

*Our clients represent a range of size, weight, age and gender and our small program size helps everyone feel welcome and safe.

*You will not be the only BED client in a room of restrictive eaters, a common concern of BED clients.

*Our interventions are directly geared towards BED needs which are unique and can be different than other eating disorders.

*Our staff are all licensed experts (no interns) and most have been working together for over a decade. This stable, seasoned atmosphere accelerates the healing process.

*Our enrollment is on-going yet most clients start and finish together. This creates a group cohesion and bonds that are radically different from other centers. Some cohorts stay connected for years after treatment.

Treatment Interventions

Our program combines small group format psychotherapy, individual therapy and nutrition counseling. This gentle combination stabilizes both emotions and eating patterns. We utilize the latest research, therapeutic modalities and behavioral interventions geared for long term BED recovery.

As more information and education comes to light about this painful disorder more sufferers are reaching out for help. If you are one of the millions of American’s estimated to suffer from Binge Eating Disorder you are not alone and help is available. Binge eating impacts people of all genders, sexuality, ethnicities and ages. It is rewarding to see the relief clients feel when they realize they are not crazy or defective, but in fact have a treatable eating disorder. The good news is that recovery from binge eating disorder is fully possible.

Symptoms and Information

What sets binge eating apart from normal eating patterns is the distress and lack of control one feels regarding bingeing. In essence bingeing and compulsive over-eating become disruptive to a persons life. Full and hungry signals become mixed or not detectable at all and a sufferer may feel “hungry” all of the time. Bingeing salty or sugary food may also set the body up for cravings and binges leads to more binges. Eventually the sufferer begins to feel out of control of the binges all together and a feeling of “automatic pilot sets in.” This is where treatment and support set in, completely changing the course of the disorder, and the course of the sufferers life.

Here is a more detailed view of the symptoms of Binge Eating Disorder (also know as compulsive over-eating).

Binge Eating Disorder

  • Recurrent episodes of binge eating. An episode is characterized by: 1. Eating a larger amount of food than normal during a short period of time
    (within any two hour period) 2. Lack of control over eating during the binge episode (i.e. the feeling that one cannot stop eating).
  • Binge eating episodes are associated with three or more of the following:
    1. Eating until feeling uncomfortably full.
    2. Eating large amounts of food when not physically hungry
    3. Eating much more rapidly than normal
    4. Eating alone because you are embarrassed by how much you’re eating
    5. Feeling disgusted, depressed, or guilty after overeating
  • Marked distress regarding binge eating is present
  • Binge eating occurs, on average, at least 2 days a week for six months
  • The binge eating is not associated with the regular use of inappropriate
    compensatory behavior (i.e. purging, excessive exercise, etc.) and does not
    occur exclusively during the course of bulimia nervosa or anorexia nervosa.

Woodleaf Eating Disorder Center is committed to the treatment of binge eating disorder. We not only address the underlying issues that may prompt the bingeing to occur but look at the emotional, physical, environmental and nutritional issues that may be present. Our goal is to work with you every step of the way to shift your life, your behaviors and to reclaim your life. For any questions about our binge eating program contact us today for a free 20 minutes phone consultation. We are here for you!

Contact us today for a free phone consultation.


(415) 840-0670

9am-8pm weekdays

Saturday and evening hours available by special appointment.