Anorexia / Restrictive Eating Treatment

Our Treatment for Anorexia

Anorexia treatment at Woodleaf Center is a gentle approach because we know ,the healing process takes time. Woodleaf provides a private, individualized, safe space for you to heal. We focus on what has brought you here to this moment in time, what purpose the anorexia/restriction is serving and how to stabilize your emotions and eating patterns. We know and believe you can fully recover.

Our program provides a combination of therapeutic interventions (individual therapy, group support, nutritional counseling) to help you discover freedom from the obsession of food and weight. Our holistic nutrition approach will give you the tools to create balanced meals, stabilize eating patterns and regain nutritional balance. We will meet you where you are at with food in this process. Our goal is to help clients embrace who they really are and what they really need so they can let go of their eating disorder. 

Symptoms to look for in Restriction and Anorexia

Anorexia Nervosa

  • Extremely low body weight, or body weight much lower than one’s body was genetically meant to be
  • Intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat
  • Distorted body image: sees self as fat
  • Undue influence of body weight or shape on how one evaluates one’s self
  • Absent or irregular menstruation
  • May or may not engage in purging behaviors


Many factors go into the development of anorexia/restrictive eating. Including genetics, environmental factors, cultural issues, trauma and other underlying emotional issues. We not only address these underlying issues but look at the emotional, physical, environmental and nutritional issues that may be present as well. 

If you or a loved one is suffering from symptoms of anorexia/restrictive eating we are here to help.  Our goal is to work with you every step of the way to shift your life, your behaviors and to reclaim your life. For any questions about our eating disorder program contact us today for a free20 minute phone consultation.

Contact us today for a free phone consultation.


(415) 840-0670

9am-8pm weekdays

Saturday and evening hours available by special appointment.