Over 17 Years Experience with Binge Eating Treatment

Keep living your life while you fully recover.

Woodleaf has been treating binge eating since 2007. Our knowledge and expertise with this population stands apart from other programs. 

Adult Only and Affordable
Our adult only program is often fully covered by insurance. Our flexible evening schedule is designed for professionals, or students so they can keep living their lives.

Intimate Program Setting
Our program is intentionally small, so binge eaters do not get “lost in a crowd”  and receive individualized care. This sets us apart from other larger, more corporate centers.

Long-Serving Staff 
Our staff are all licensed experts and most have been working together for over a decade. This stable, seasoned atmosphere accelerates the healing process.

No More Isolation
Most Woodleaf clients start and finish together. This creates group cohesion and bonds that are radically different from other centers. Some groups stay connected for years after treatment.

Let’s get in touch:

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Schedule a free 20 min consultation
or call (415) 840-0670

Woodleaf Center